
- Lore and Theorycrafting -
More places to learn about the world/lore/fandom of the Drakengard and Nier series, and the people who make theories about it.

  • My Playlists:
    • Lore - My playlist for video summaries and dramatic readings about the series as a whole.
    • The Movie - A series of all cutscenes from the games in the series other than ReIn.
    • Other Music - Music from games in the series other than ReIn. Includes some from Nier collabs like FFXIV and Nikke!
  • Reddit:
  • Reincarnation Story Museum (JP) - Watwiki. Japanese fan wiki with different stories and weapon summaries in text. Admin stopped updating it in 2022, but re-opened it to edits when EOS was announced. This could be a good opportunity to update and preserve these if you speak Japanese!
  • Null Room / null_rein on Twitter (JP) - Fansite with lots of bonus materials like costume designs and more.
  • VK (RUS) - Russian equivalent of Facebook. These are groups dedicated to the fandom.
    • ReIn - One of the first sources to have leaked information from the Japanese beta. Has quite a bit of data and sources translated into Russian. Seems to have stopped updating in 2023.
    • Nier and Drakengard General - The group for the series as a whole. Seems to have picked up the translation of Reincarnation as well.
  • ReIncarnation Recap - Download the save data ripper for a personal recap of your game!
  • Grimoire Cendre (FR) - Website with lots of materials translated into French and a robust concept art gallery. Youtube is here.
  • Nier: Reincarnation Library - Tumblr. Has mountains of screenshots for all things large and small! No relation, but I approve. ;-)
  • Twitter
    • Noelle - Theorycrafter whose passion for ReIn is only rivaled by a love for Yokai Watch.
    • T.Kei - Japanese user with mad 3D viewer skills. Offers amazing looks at the details of all of the characters and costumes!
    • Nier Screenshots - Another fabulous screenshots account!
  • BrandoSP - Various video essays, including ones on Dod, Nier, and Reincarnation.
  • TheBigDerian - Lots of Drakenier lore videos!
  • TheSamUtari - Lore summary videos, cutscenes, extras.
  • KyleKatarn86 - Playlist of various stories

- Gameplay -
People and places offering gameplay tips.
(Even post EOS it's interesting to look into how the game worked!)

- Special Thanks -
I love you, and I don't know where else to put it.

  • My GF - MWAH ♡
  • All of the people who have watched, subscribed, followed, or whatever.♡

Please let me know if you want to be added, or have a link or name taken down!

You can also check the Credits page for a list of websites and people that helped me make the doc and website!

The Other Librarians page is a list of affiliates!