Main Story

- What is this place? -
The main story of Nier: Riencarnation sees the respective character journey into the mysterious world of The Cage. Each chapter has the player revealing storytelling elements of a weapon to unlock a character. The chapters are split by 3 "seasons". The basic premises are described below.
Basic summaries for the stories can be read on ReIn Guide. You can watch the full main story using one of my playlists here or here. You can also check out Jaye Bird's playlist here. A playlist in Japanese is here or here.

- How do I read/watch? -
Each link essentially contains the same story, but in different formats, languages, and uploaders.
⚜ "Text" is the story written down in text format.
⚜ "Cache" is a mirror, or alternative link,to the text file. This is done either via Wayback Machine or in a downloadable file.
⚜ "Youtube" is the story uploaded to Youtube with English voice acting and subtitles.
⚜ "Youtube JP" is the story uploaded to Youtube with Japanese voice acting and English subtitles.
⚜ "Youtube - JP Voice and Text" is the story uploaded to Youtube with Japanese voice acting and subtitles.
⚜ The numbers beside a link done in a seperate parenthesis indicate a mirror, or alternative link, which is from a seperate uploader than the last.
⚜ The numbers beside a link done in the same parenthesis indicate the source is split into seperate parts.

- S1: The Girl and the Monster -
A child awakens without memories in The Cage and must journey with a ghost-like presence called Mama to recall what happened.

Full: 1-12 // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube JP)

  1. His Body, Rust // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube 4)
    (Youtube JP - Prologue + Chapter )
  2. What Was Lost // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube 4) (Youtube JP)
  3. Determined Hearts // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube 4) (Youtube JP)
  4. This Violent, Fleeting World // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube 4) (Youtube JP)
  5. The Distant Peak // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube 4) (Youtube JP)
  6. Redemption: Black // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube 4)
    (Youtube JP - 1 2)
  7. priSOner // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube 4) (Youtube JP)
  8. LIberator // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube 4) (Youtube JP)
  9. A Cold and Hollow Silence // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube 4) (Youtube JP)
  10. A Reluctant Hero // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube 4) (Youtube JP)
  11. Echoes in the Heart // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube 4) (Youtube JP)
  12. Redemption: White // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube 4)
    (Youtube JP + Epilogue)

- S2: The Sun and the Moon -
Two siblings find themselves trapped in The Cage and must repair the sun and moon to escape.

Route - The Sun:

Full: 1-6 // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube JP)

    Hina's POV:
  1. Binding Magick // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3)
    (Youtube JP - Prologue + Chapter)
  2. Curse of the Rift // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube JP)
  3. One Vow // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube JP)

  4. Yuzuki's POV:
  5. Proof of Zero // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube JP - Intermission + Chapter)
  6. One Thousand Moons // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube JP)
  7. One Sun // (Youtube - Features only Hina revenge ending, here to show differing char perspective in cage segment.) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3 - Ending B Ending C) (Youtube JP + Epilogue + Ending )

Route - The Moon:

Full: 1-6 // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube JP)

    Yuzuki's POV:
  1. Binding Magick // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3)
    (Youtube JP - Prologue + Chapter)
  2. Curse of the Rift // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube JP)
  3. One Vow // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube 4) (Youtube JP)
    (Youtube JP 2 - 1 2)

  4. Hina's POV:
  5. Proof of Zero // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3)
    (Youtube JP - Intermission + Chapter)
  6. One-Thousand Moons // (Youtube) (Youtube 2) (Youtube 3) (Youtube JP)
  7. One Sun // (Youtube / All Endings) (Youtube 2 / All Endings)
    (Youtube 3 / All Endings) (Youtube 4 / Ending) (Youtube JP + Epilogue + Ending)

- S3: The People and the World -
Enemies have started to attack The Cage. Mama calls upon those who reside within to save the places they hold so dear.

Full: 1-7 JP // (Youtube) (Youtube 2)

  1. Overture1: Indigo - Opening + The Beginning of Everything // (TEXT - Library Summaries) (Youtube) (Youtube JP 2) (Youtube JP 3) (Youtube JP 4)
    (Youtube JP 5 - Prologue + Episode) (Youtube - JP Voice and Text)
  2. Overture2: Scarlet - Broken Children // (Youtube) (Youtube JP 2)
    (Youtube JP 3) (Youtube JP 4) (Youtube JP 5) (Youtube - JP Voice and Text)
  3. Overture 3: Emerald - Patched Emotions // (Youtube) (Youtube JP 2) (Youtube JP 3)
    (Youtube - JP Voice and Text)
  4. Overture 4: Amber - Guidance Followed // (TEXT- Library Summaries)
    (Youtube JP) (Youtube JP 2) (Youtube JP 3) (Youtube JP 4)
    (Youtube - JP Voice and Text)
  5. Act II: The Return - Satellite / Cherished Memories //
    (TEXT - Library Summaries) (Youtube JP) (Youtube JP 2) (Youtube JP 3) (Youtube JP 4) (Youtube - JP Voice and Text) (Youtube - JP Voice and Text 2)
  6. Act III: Transmigration // (TEXT- Library Summaries)
    (Youtube JP) (Youtube JP 2) (Youtube JP 3) (Youtube JP 4)
    (Youtube - JP Voice and Text) (Youtube - JP Voice and Text 2)
  7. Finale: Reincarnation // (TEXT - Library Summaries) (Youtube JP)
    (Youtube JP 2) (Youtube JP 3 - 1 2 Epilogue)
    (Youtube - JP Voice and Text) (Youtube - JP Voice and Text 2) (Extra Dialogue)